“Best Performance” Award at WCS Songwriters Contest
Last night, I cruised down to Cafe Royale here in San Francisco, CA where the West Coast Songwriters host their monthly songwriters contests. I’ve been to just a few of these now, but there are generally 15-20 different songwriters that each perform one of their original songs. From what I can tell, the judges (generally producers, radio folks, professional songwriters, etc.) come up with a final score based on creativity, originality, melody, music, lyrics, performance, etc. In any case, I showed up with one of my newer, pop(ish) songs “I Know” and gave that a whirl. To be honest, I felt as though it probably wasn’t my best performance (these songwriter events make me strangely nervous in a way that playing to 200 random folks in a club doesn’t) but, somehow, the judges last night were into it enough to award me with the “Best Performance” award for the night. I was pretty psyched and surprised at the same time. There were some really talented people in attendance at the contest and it was an honor to win this award. Plus, I got some cool prizes!
For more information on the West Coast Songwriters, check out their website here. It’s a non-profit organization that supports independent songwriters all along the West Coast with guest song reviews, contests, educational workshops, seminars, and an annual conference. It’s a great, great resource and, if you’re a songwriter or an independent musician living along the West Coast, you owe it to yourself to check them out.