Pirate Cat Radio Interview & Show
Just wrapped a really fun radio interview and performance on San Franciso, California’s one and only Pirate Cat Radio 87.9 FM with DJ Che-X. I really love playing at their café studio and DJ Che-X is always a hoot to hang around with.  I played through a few of my favorite songs  including “The View”, “Truck”, “Would You Love Me”, “Hole In My Heart”, “Life Got In The Way”, and “It Don’t Matter”. We had a few laughs, had a fun audience from UC Berkeley in the studio with us, and generally enjoyed ourselves.
If you missed the show, you can stream the podcast from the Pirate Cat Radio 87.9 FM website here. Check it out and let me know what ya think! I’d love to listen to it, but I need to get going here as I have another gig this evening at Rockit Room over on Clement Street and 5th Avenue in San Francisco, CA. I go on around 10:00pm tonight and it’s a free show, so come on down, check it out, have a cold one and say “hey”. See ya’ll soon!