Firefly Bistro Tonight South Pasadena, CA
Man… what a beautiful night last night down here in Santa Monica, CA! I had the privilege of performing for a little over an hour on the coolest roof top wine bar I’ve ever been to (well, I’ve only been to two, but seriously… this place was sick!). Brett Young, pictured below, hosts a weekly show on Tuesdays at Sonoma Wine Garden and it doesn’t disappoint.
Brett and I met up for coffee earlier today to catch up, talk shop, and swap stories before we each head our separate ways to additional gigs tonight. He’s off to Orange County and I’m off to South Pasadena, California to perform at Firefly Bistro as part of the Wine & Song Series hosted by songwriter Brad Colerick. Things kick off at 7:00pm and run until about 9:30pm or so and it’s looking like a pretty killer night of music, wine and food. If you’re planning on coming by, I recommend calling ahead to secure a table, but I’m sure you can get in, sit at the bar, or just wait a few minutes for a seat if you’re patient. For more directions and details, click here. Here’s to a great Wednesday in Southern California! See ya soon…