Bread & Roses Performance
Just returned from the proverbial “road” yesterday in time to play a set at Laguna Honda Hospital in San Francisco, CA as part of the Bread & Roses concert series. Bread & Roses is a cool organization that effectively operates on the premise that hope and healing can happen through music. I’d have to agree, which is why I participate in their concert program from time to time.
Yesterday was really special. Laguna Honda Hospital (at least, the wing I played in) provides medical support to those who otherwise might not be able to afford it on their own. There are a variety of patients fighting different battles, both mental and physical, but when the room filled up, it didn’t really matter what they were going through – we all had a good time. Just about everyone that could got to some clapping at one point or another during a song or two, I had a guest back-up singer and whistler, of all things, sitting right there in the front row, and a host of enthusiastic staff supporting the show every step of the way. I got a ton of good laughs out of my interaction with these folks and, to be honest, it pretty much made my week when this one gentleman stood up and shouted at the top of his lungs, “You’re #1!” It’s the little things, right?
In any case, if you have a chance, check out this wonderful organization here and, if you’re a musician in the San Francisco Bay Area, consider contacting them about doing a show. If you’re a music fan, think about volunteering, supporting the Bread & Roses benefit events, or making a donation here.