Landmark Vineyards Party Bus, July 9th

Wine, gourmet food, no driving, and rock and roll: it's all happening at Landmark Vineyards this coming July 9th!
I have had so, so much fun performing up at Landmark Vineyards over the last several months. Whether it’s inside their tasting room or out in their sunny, airy courtyard, the acoustics are awesome, the ambience is peaceful and serene, and the wine (of course) is always outstanding. (I’m a big fan of the 2006 Grand Detour Pinot Noir, myself.) In any case, I’ll be performing at Landmark Vineyards again this July 9th, 2011 from 1:00pm until 4:00pm. This time, however, they’re doing something really special…
For all you San Francisco area folks, Landmark Vineyards has put together a killer package that includes a luxury bus ride from San Francisco right to their tasting room, a glass of wine, a gourmet box lunch, three hours of music from yours truly, and a safe, comfortable, return voyage home to San Francisco via the “Wine (Party) Bus”. The bus is scheduled to depart at 11:00am from San Francisco and will return by 5:30pm in San Francisco. No worrying about the hassle of driving, no stressing of over enjoying a few glasses of wine along the way, and no worrying about taking a nap en route or on the way back home! What a novel idea! And, you know what? It’s all just $55.00. Pretty sweet deal, right?
If you’re interested in signing up, please contact Nick Benz at Landmark Vineyards to RSVP at (707) 833-0226 or and lock it down. Landmark Vineyards would prefer that you reserve your spot by Tuesday, July 5th, but I’m sure they can squeeze you in if you’re late to the game a little later in the week. Just don’t wait too long as this bus will sell out, for sure.
So, get it together, call Nick up at Landmark Vineyards, purchase your tickets, and let’s rock, enjoy some wine, soak in some sunny weather, play some bocce ball, and take it from there. See ya soon?