Maria Maria in Sunny Walnut Creek, CA
Playing dinner gigs, while oftentimes the bread and butter for a lot of working musicians, just isn’t always the most fun. You often feel like folks aren’t listening, you may be competing against a bachelorette party, you may be vying for attention against an MMA match on the television… it could be anything and everything under the sun. However, I have to say that I enjoy my sets at Maria Maria in Walnut Creek, CA. Yes, it’s a dinner gig – there’s no denying that. However, it’s a ton of fun. Good people, a decent system (though it looks small), a stage, some lights, and killer food. The people are pretty fun there, too.
On Saturday, August 20th, I played a mix of my own tunes along with some select cover songs for about four hours. Even though my ears are STILL ringing for the volume level from the PA and crowd chatter in the bar area where I played that night, I’ve got a smile on my face.
Break time (I almost always forget to take one until the last minute) means food at Maria Maria and, for me, it usually means a plate of chicken enchiladas. These things are the perfect mix of spice and flavor and heat and I can’t recommend them enough. Go order these the next time you find yourself at Maria Maria in Walnut Creek, CA. You won’t be sorry (unless you’re vegan or vegetarian… then you’ll feel guilty after realizing you really DO love chicken and cheese and sour cream and… and…). In any case, I’ve got a few performances coming up at this location in Walnut Creek, CA as well as several performances at their Danville, CA location. If you’ve got a hankering for Mexican food and some acoustic music, check out my SHOWS page here and come on by when ya get the feeling. I’ll be waiting!