New Album Release Coming Soon

Pouring over new cover art, inset layout, and disc art for final approval before going to replication.
A few months ago, I was contacted by a company regarding a performance at their annual event and 10 Year Anniversary party here in San Francisco, CA. After some back and forth, we worked out the details and then started talking about party favors and the like. One thing led to another and, before too long, I pitched the idea of doing a signed, numbered, and limited release of a live, in-studio, acoustic, co-branded recording of some of my new material especially for the VIP guests at their event. The idea stuck and, after approving some numbers and processes, I got to work recording a live acoustic record for them with producer/engineer Cookie Marenco at OTR Studios in Belmont, CA. The end result is 10 tracks of live acoustic guitar and vocals recorded in DSD (Direct Stream Digital) that sound absolutely killer.
There are only 1,000 copies of this release – each signed and numbered – and when they’re gone, they’re gone. However, I will be repackaging some of this material along with some other recorded material for another, limited release for sale to the general public, friends, fans, etc. Stay tuned here for news on how and when you can get your hands on that as it will be coming by early October 2011. I’ll also be releasing a high-def version of this recording for you audiophiles, so there’s lots of exciting stuff on the way and loads of different ways to listen to it all, thanks to some ground breaking recording technology.
Huge thanks to Jennifer Zick, Cookie Marenco, Patrick O’Connor, Caleb Brown, Pamm Edwards, my family, my tremendously generous friends who have provided a bed for me over the past eight to nine months all over the United States, the fine folks at Elixir Strings and Taylor Guitars, Tracie Verlinde, BMI, Cydney Tune and her crew at Pillbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP, and everyone else who contributed to this project. I can’t wait for you all to hear it and couldn’t have done it without YOU… Stay tuned for the official release date and performance right here.