Eddie’s Attic Songwriters Contest

Totally psysched after winning the songwriters contest at Eddie's Attic in Decatur, GA with our new co-write "Live It Up Now (Free and Easy)".
With a night off during our touring schedule, Erica Sunshine Lee and I decided to head up to Decatur, GA to Eddie’s Attic to try our luck at their song contest series. They were completely booked with the exception of one spot, so we shared it and performed my song “It Don’t Matter” and then Erica sang one of her newest songs “The South Will Rise Again”, which brought the house down. To our surprise, we were asked back up by Tommy, the evening’s host, whereupon we were told “I hope you two have a song together, because you’re up!” We looked at each other, laughed, and then decided to give a new co-write called “Live It Up Now (Free and Easy)” a try… It went off really well and, at the end of the night, we were so pleased to have been named the contest winners! (Photo after being awarded the prize above.) It was a terrific evening, lots of fun, totally unexpected, and well worth the drive up to Decatur, GA!