Well, it’s been out on CD Baby for a little while now, but for all you iTunes fans out there, I’m happy to say that my newest release “A Thing Or Three” is now available on iTunes for your listening pleasure. If you’re ready to check it out, just click right here and watch as you are magically whisked away to Apple’s iTunes purchase page for “A Thing Or Three” where you may stream, preview, purchase, and even write a review! So, what are ya waiting for? Don’t ya want to hear what I’ve been up to recently? Then get on over to iTunes and check this thing out, won’t ya? And then let me know what you think! Thanks to everyone who made this recording possible by attending my performances this past year. “A Thing Or Three” is the best possible recreation of an intimate, live, solo acoustic performance I could make. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I enjoyed recording it…