Squaw Valley, CA 07/23/12
After an absolutely stunning drive from Carson City, NV over Route 50 into California through unsettled, mountain weather, power outages, and more, I arrived at The Village at Squaw Valley for what I thought was to be a mellow gig at a cozy little wine bar. Instead, I was shuffled across the village to perform at a really fun event to welcome the new head of The Placer County Board of Directors at the local conference center. It was a serious “who’s who” of Lake Tahoe high rollers and an awesome time. I set up, guerilla-style, just as the event got underway, and banged out a bunch of tunes for the mountain crew of mountain crews. After wrapping up my performance, I was asked to have dinner with a few local business leaders and ended up meeting the folks who run the upcoming Wanderlust festival at Squaw Valley (takes place this Thursday through Sunday). Great food, great conversation, and more than a few laughs led to more fun times and just a terrific reminder of why this part of California and the people here are so special.
Big thanks to my friends, both old and new (Jeremy, Kali, JT, and Andy), for putting together a wonderful evening and for showing me some old fashioned mountain hospitality. Big thanks, too, to Squaw Valley USA for putting on a tremendous moonrise show after the gig (see below). Let’s do it all again soon!