Las Vegas, NV 08/16/2012

Looking out at the strip from the top of the Mandalay Bay hotel in Las Vegas, NV after my set at House of Blues.
Thursday got off to a terrific start… I mean, there’s nothing like getting a surf in with a good bud at a warm, uncrowded break with fun waves. We scored small, but really fun, little peelers and, despite a rocky night’s sleep, it hit the reset button, figuratively speaking, and got me, both physically and mentally, back on track before hitting the road to Las Vegas, NV for my set at House of Blues. However, just as I was about half of the way there and, honestly, sort of falling asleep at the wheel, I heard a loud pop and then the tell tale shuddering of my truck before pulling over to the side of the road to see the inevitable flat tire. Grr… I have to say that, for traveling at 75mph, it was a relatively uneventful experience. However, climbing out of the truck to change a tire in 100+ degree temps on the side of busy highway was not what I had in mind when I started the drive earlier in the day.
After getting things more or less in order with the truck, I got back on the road and continued the journey to Las Vegas. Sure, I was covered in dust, grease, and sweat, but I was safe and still on schedule for my gig. After a short while, I pulled into a service station, cleaned up a bit, and downed a huge bottle of Gatorade and another bottle of water before continuing on my way. Water and sugar and salt never tasted so good!
When I got to the venue, it was the same as always: terrific sound, a kick-ass stage, and great people working the floor. I did a quick tune/warm up, grabbed some water, met with the sound guy for a few, then did a brief line check before turnin’ and burnin’. Things sounded awesome last night up there on stage and I knew it was good out front, because Tom (the sound man) was on it. It’s so rare these days to see the sound man constantly walking around the venue, checking/assessing the sound, making adjustments, riding faders, etc. It makes such a big difference and really, in the end, makes for a SIGNIFICANTLY better experience for the musician and the audience, all the way around. (Thanks for rockin’ it, Tom!)
Afterwards, I hung out with the local promoter that put on the show, some of the staff from House of Blues, the band that closed out the night (Jamie McLean, who obviously spells his name wrong, fronts an amazing power trio. Check them out and find their music online.) and then had a typical night in Vegas, despite my best efforts at getting a big night of much needed sleep. Oh, well… when in Vegas!
HUGE, HUGE, HUGE thanks to Michael and House of Blues for hosting me for the night on such a killer stage, as well as Tom for making things sound just about perfect on stage and front of house. Thanks, too, to the cast of musicians and audience members for hanging and sharing the good vibe throughout the evening. I had a terrific time and really hope to be back before too long. Until then, stay cool, Las Vegas!