Writing & Surfing in Los Angeles, CA
After playing Las Vegas, NV at House of Blues on Thursday, August 16th, I headed back to the greater LA area to connect with some friends, do a little surfing, and meet up with Adam Zelkind to write some music. Adam Zelkind has written, recorded, and placed a number of tracks in film and television and has a keen ear for what works and what doesn’t. I was psyched to have the opportunity to work with him. And, work we did! We busted out three or four really long days writing, tracking, and editing. Out of all that, we ended up with two great tunes that are being mixed now, and another tri-write (is that what you call it when you write with three people??) with Will Champlin. I really can’t wait to hear the final mixes. It’s going to be fun! We’ve got a swampy, slide guitar track, a traveling ballad, and a bit of a rockin’ love song. I’ll keep you guys posted…

One of the many small, but really shapely days on the southern Cali coast. You get points if you can name this spot. Shoot, name the break and I'll mail you a CD!
In between writing with Adam and Will, I managed to sneak in a little surfing in the early mornings. Some days, it was right outside LA or south with my buddy Dave, and others (like the one shot above) were up the Pacific Coast Highway towards Ventura, CA with fewer crowds, more space, and a little bit of the NorCal vibe. This particular morning was so fun. What started off as a super small, low tide session with lots of kelp ended up being full of fast, racy lines and even a barrel or two. Of course, I didn’t make it out of any of ‘em, but I saw the light at the end of the tunnel… at least for a little while. Small or not, I wasn’t getting ANY waves in Nashville, TN, so this was huge fun, just to get wet and make some turns.