Buckeye, AZ [Round 2] 08/25/2012
After a fun gig the night before, I crashed with my buddy Josh and his family near the venue in Buckeye, AZ. When I woke up, we caught up over some desayuno (that’s breakfast for you non-Spanish speaking types) and chilled under the shade of a huge tree outside Ground Control, where I was scheduled to perform again that evening. It was HOT. I mean, it was REALLY hot. Still, I had some stuff to do, errands to run, etc. and needed to get on with it, heat or not. So, first thing’s first… in that heat, I HAD to get something to take some of the heat off of my guitars that were sitting inside my truck, so I got THIS:
This little baby reduced the heat SIGNIFICANTLY inside my truck. In fact it was so good, I felt pretty comfortable leaving my gear inside my truck with the windows cracked for lunch. Amazing what a little reflective material will do, eh? So, with some time on my hands after taking care of some chores, car care, etc. I headed back to Buckeye, AZ to chill for a bit and catch up on some sleep before the gig. With some shade near the venue, I parked it, put the seat back and snoozed for a bit…
After relishing the much needed down time, I slowly woke myself up, cleaned up my act a bit, gathered my gear, and set up for round two at Ground Control in Buckeye, AZ that night. The temperature cooled down a bit, which was a relief, when the sun went down, and the folks came out in droves to hang, drink, eat, and listen. It was a terrific night and a ton of fun all the way around. It was a great way to wrap up my time in Buckeye, AZ before moving on down the road. BIG thanks, again, to the gang at Ground Control for taking great care of me for two nights and making me feel so welcome. Thanks, again, to all my friends and fans, both new and old, who came out and joined the fun. I can’t wait to do it all again soon!