California Shows Going On Now
I am so, so pleased to be back in California for a little while! Nashville, TN has been terrific, but I’ve been craving the NorCal fall surf like crazy since my last little taste back in early September for a boys surf trip down the coast to Big Sur, CA. It’s true… I have the surf bug. But, what to do as a Nashville resident? The Opry Mills wave pool is meager, at best, so it’s all about booking as many gigs and reasons to get back out to visit California when the surf is on!

Southwest, once again, making my air travel from Nashville with multiple guitars, merch, etc. a breeze. Nice.
I arrived on Thursday evening to probably the most insane approach I’ve ever taken to SFO. My route from Nashville took me to San Diego first, then on a connecting flight up the coast right over Ocean Beach in San Francisco, then Deadman’s, then the Golden Gate, Ft. Point, etc. with views of the Marin Headlands, Pt. Reyes, Angel Island, Alcatraz, downtown San Francisco, Mt. Diablo, and more. What a show! I have traveled to a ton of places in my life, but I have to say that the San Francisco Bay Area is truly one of the more scenic cities I have ever been.

Hard to see, right? Imagine how it was in the water just before this shot was taken. A late session at Ocean Beach in SF with some good friends to wash away to the travel fog.
Speaking of surfing, I will kick off my California performances this evening (Saturday, 10/20) at Sweetwater Music Hall in Mill Valley, CA for the Mill Valley Surf Film Festival. I’ll be performing a solo acoustic set from 6:45pm until about 7:45pm in between screenings. My performance tonight is free, so check out the details here and c’mon on down. The festival/my performance is open to all ages, so why not make a night of it with the fam’, eh?
Later this weekend and coming week, I am schedule to make stops in San Francisco, Greenbrae, Santa Cruz, Big Sur, Arroyo Grande, San Luis Obispo, Paso Robles, and maybe even Los Angeles and another date or two TBD, so stay tuned right here on my website or on my Facebook Page for up to the minute details on where and when I’ll be performing.
Thanks for following along, everyone! Hope to see you all out on the road (or in the water) soon!