Pirate Cat Radio Performance & Interview
During a break in the pouring rain last night, I lugged my gear over to the Pirate Cat Radio studios for a live, on-air performance and interview with DJ Che-X from 6:00pm until about 8:00pm PST. The show was broadcast live in the San Francisco Bay Area on 87.9 FM and worldwide on Pirate Cat Radio’s website. I played through seven original tunes (some old, but mostly new) including “Hole In My Heart”, “Build Me Up”, “Would You Love Me”, “Truck”, “A Thing Or Three”, “Thought I’d Never” and “It’s Alright”. Hopefully, some of you out there caught it live on the radio or managed to stream it online. DJ Che-X is a full on character and his socio-political music show was definitely an interesting and entertaining experience. Add to that a pretty eclectic mix of tunes in between his commentary and my performance and it made for a great show. Very cool to hear such an impassioned guy on the radio doing his thing. Good on ya, Che-X!
For those of you that missed the set, you can check it out online at Pirate Cat Radio’s website here. If you like what you hear, drop me a line and let me know, post it to Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, or whatever social network ya use. Thanks for listening and see ya soon!