Folk Alliance 2011
Getting psyched to head out east to Memphis, TN (never been there!) to attend this year’s Folk Alliance Conference. I am really looking forward to a lot of barbeque, good music, good folks, and playing ten acoustic, industry showcases.
This will be my first time at this conference and I really have no idea what to expect. I do know, however, that I have a lot of showcases, lots of panels I want to check out, a few meetings lined up and more, but no idea whether it’s like SXSW, CMJ, or a tamer, more user friendly event. I guess I’ll find out when I get into town tomorrow morning. Yeah, that’s right… I missed my earlier flight this morning, but I have a great excuse! Keep on checking back to figure out what it is… in the mean time, I’ll be hitching a ride at 10:45pm out to Memphis, TN. Two visits in one day to SFO are two, too many, in my book. In any case, stay tuned here for updates from the conference and my showcases! I’m sure there’s going to be lots to share… Until then!