Full Day In The Studio
It’s been a long day today! I’ve been working here at OTR Studios with Cookie, Patrick, Mike and the crew and tracking some additional vocal overdubs for “Build Me Up”, “It Don’t Matter”, and “Would You Love Me” while doing some edits on “Hole In My Heart” and a few other items. There’s been lots of singing, lots more listening, and more than a few good laughs along the way.
Every day I spend here at OTR Studios is a learning experience. So much cool stuff is going on and Cookie and the gang are making it sound pretty slick while coaching, editing, etc. As much as I hate to spill the beans (’cause I want these guys all for myself), if you’re a Bay Area musician or, shoot… a musician from anywhere, you owe it to yourself to check out OTR Studios for your next project. I’m constantly amazed by how hard these guys work and how they can pull the very best performance out of the artists they work with. Plus, they work on 2″ tape, so you know it’s going to sound good.
Right now, the crew is making some edits to “Hole In My Heart” while I update this blog, sip some chai tea and plan my drive down to Santa Barbara for the Durango Songwriters Expo starting tomorrow night. It’s going to be another mini trek down the coast on minimal sleep, but I’ll be performing an industry showcase and attending several listening sessions down there, so I’m psyched. And, that’s been enough these days to overcome any lack of sleep. If you’re interested in checking it out, click on over to the Durango Songwriters Expo website and, heck, if you’re a songwriter in California and you have some time on your hands, see if you can register! This will be my second time attending and I can’t wait.
Okay… that’s all I’ve got for now. Have a great night, take it easy, and keep on rockin’.