California Audio Show

The live recording demo setup to DSD (Direct Stream Digital) at the Blue Coast World exhibit at this year's California Audio Show.
From Friday, July 15th through Sunday, July 17th, audiophiles from all over stormed the gates of the Crowne Plaza Hotel & Conference Center in Burlingame, CA via the California Audio Show for three days of the craziest audio gear and technology demonstrations and workshops that I have ever seen (or heard). I was fortunate enough to be invited to perform at a live recording demonstration that engineer/producer Cookie Marenco was hosting via Blue Coast Records and Blue Coast World on the morning of Sunday, July 17th.
It was basically a mini recording session in an exhibit hall. Cookie and her crew from OTR Studios, as well as Gus Skinas from the Super Audio Center in Boulder, CO, set up some sweet mics, checked levels, and basically ran a mini session with the audience just a chair away from me (the performer) and Cookie, Gus, and crew (the engineers). It was an incredibly cool experience for me, and I could tell that the attendees really dug the opportunity to sit in on a session, hear the live performance, then hear the immediate mix/playback on DSD (Direct Stream Digital). As absolute audiophiles, I was curious how the audience would perceive the recording quality – they loved it! The sound is outstanding and has become the gold standard format for audiophiles everywhere. (You can learn more about the format/technology here.) Take a listen and decide for yourself. For me, the choice is obvious. Tape or DSD all the way, baby!
After I wrapped up, I checked out a few panels and exhibits, then listened to a cool discussion about DSD, pricing, viability in the marketplace against lower res, compressed audio files (like the iTunes or mp3 format), etc. It was an interesting back and forth with some really passionate music lovers and audiophiles debating the pros and cons of both and whether the format will take hold beyond the core, audiophile community. I learned a ton, met some great people, and will definitely mark my calendar to attend next year’s California Audio Show. For more details on the conference, click on over to the California Audio Show website. See you there next year!