Vinoteca Wine Bar with Jody Mulgrew 7/22
So, after a great evening up in Capitola, CA and beautiful surf in Big Sur the next morning, I continued on south down Highway 1 to join Jody Mulgrew at Vinoteca Wine Bar for an acoustic performance. Along the way, I stopped at this crazy site (pictured above) and hung around for a while just watching the madness. I suppose the elephant seals are molting and mating, so there’s currently a lot of gnarly battling and barking for mates among this crew and all sorts of neat Discovery Channel stuff happening. If you’re in the area, definitely make a point to swing by and check this place out. Amazing creatures…
Finally, I arrived in Paso Robles, CA and started loading in so I could meet up with Jody, figure out the lay of the land, etc. We got things going just in time to crank out some music and away we went. I opened up with about 45 minutes of music or so, then Jody took the stage with his bassist Pete, then I hopped back up there, then Jody closed out the night. This joint sounded great. The people were incredibly into the music, and incredibly into their wine! (Who can blame them?! Both were exquisite!) I had a great time catching up with some friends I’ve made in the Paso Robles, CA area as well as making some new acquaintances. I’ll definitely be returning to Vinoteca Wine Bar again… it felt like home. Big thanks to Jody Mulgrew for inviting me down! If you’re hankering for some new music, definitely take a few minutes to check out his new album scheduled for release any day now here.