Vintage 1255, July 23
The last time I passed through San Luis Obispo, CA while performing, I took a few hours in between shows to walk around and find a few new places that might need some live music. It’s a numbers game, like almost anything else, so I introduced myself to a number of folks at several establishments in town and did some follow up. A few took the bait, but the most promising seemed to be this cool little wine bar and wine seller, Vintage 1255. Just outside of the (sometimes) madness of the Higuera “strip” in downtown SLO, this spot pours and sells more wine than you can shake a stick at, offers a few really great small plates, and sounds great. I had a nice little crowd last night from 7:oopm until about 9:30pm or so and played mostly originals with just a few of my favorite covers along the way. Local artist, songwriter, and promoter Steve Key swung by with a few folks to check out the set and I even convinced him to come up and plays us a few of his tunes. It’s was great!

Local artist, songwriter, and promoter Steve Key sitting in for a few songs at Vintage 1255 last night.
It occurred to me that last night was the first time that I heard someone else play my guitar and sing through my PA system the way I have it typically set up for more intimate performances. I was so pleased that it sounded so good…. When Steve wrapped up his second song and surrendered the guitar to me, I sort of wanted to ask him to keep playing! I mean, Steve is great and his songs are fantastic, and through that system with my Taylor 814ce, it was a beautiful way to hear this guy. Mm!
Later in the night, I succumbed to my need for sleep, not getting a whole heck of a lot the last three nights, and rented out a small (and I mean SMALL) room at a local motel here in SLO. It was fine – included a fridge, toilet, sink, shower, and a single bed – but like so many of these cheap motels on the road, it was really musty and moldy. Just six and a half hours later of wheezing, coughing, and cursing, I figured I’d get up, pack my gear, get the heck out of there, and try to get my voice back before my showcase at Sculpterra Winery later this afternoon (those stinky rooms reek havoc with my voice,.. add no sleep in the mix and you’ve got a hilarious morning of my doing my best Tom Waits impersonation). The room didn’t have a number listed on it (I think it was the old laundry or storage room or something) and it was a cash only deal. Very sketchy, but, hey… like my mom and dad always have said, “You get what you pay for.” Indeed.
So, I’m now in recovery mode after another night of no sleep last night, but I’m happily typing away as I listen to some good gitano music in this nice, airy spot down the road from that stinky motel named the Steynberg Gallery. I’ve played here before and remembered that they served great breakfasts and made absolutely killer Chai Latte. It’s the little things that can make the biggest difference… and this little Chai Latte and tasty breakfast burrito are doing wonders!
In a few hours, I’ll be heading up to Paso Robles, CA to play a mini showcase set at one of Steve Key’s “Songwriters at Play” events at the scenic Sculpterra Winery. We’ll be rockin’ the barrel room and a number of great artists from near and far will be performing. Check out the details here and come on by if you’re in town! Music starts at 1:00pm and goes all the way until 4:00pm or so. However, I’ll be playing my mini set starting at 3:25pm. It’s a free event, there’s great wine, and it’s a very cool, intimate way to get up close and personal with several different artists. Don’t be a square… be THERE!