Kreuzberg, July 26th
The last of a short run of shows down the coast recently, Kreuzberg on Tuesday, July 26th, 2011 was a great experience. This cool little book and coffee bar in downtown San Luis Obispo, CA offered up huge ceilings, a cozy atmosphere, Steve Key’s (from “Songwriters at Play”) warm and rich sounding PA system, and a neat line up of artists throughout the night.
I went on from 8:00pm until 8:45pm or so and had a great time. I saw a bunch of folks that had attended some earlier performances up in Paso Robles, CA and met some new friends while reconnecting with some avid fans that I’d been corresponding with over e-mail since my last run down the coast. We all had a blast and I enjoyed hanging out afterwards with some local folks around town, playing shuffleboard, and then talking music into the wee hours of the night with local Los Osos, CA songwriter Jody Mulgrew.
It was a great last show for this little run and a fun way to end the trip. A huge thanks goes out to the good folks of San Luis Obispo, Paso Robles and Capitola for their support this time around and, especially, to my friends at Cava Wine Bar, Songwriters at Play, Jody Mulgrew, Steve Key, Sculpterra Winery, Vinoteca Wine Bar, Vintage 1255, Peter Sanford, Adam Dale, and the crew over at The Krush 92.5 FM. I had a fun time playing for you all and hope we get to catch up again real soon! Until then, take it easy and keep rockin’.