Shootin’ A Little Video

Michael Romanowski doing a rough mix on some live material we recorded last night at Coast Recorders.
I had a ton of fun last night hanging out with my buddy Michael Romanowski at Coast Recorders in San Francisco, CA experimenting with some video and audio setups. We took a really quick take on a few tunes from the new solo, acoustic album, “A Thing Or Three“, and then made a quick, rough mix, bounced it, then split for the evening so I could merge the audio and video files together (uh, that was hard… yikes!) and get ‘em online.

Pretty much what I was staring at all day long today: the learning curve is slow for this one in iMovie!
It turns out I only got through two out of four of them as of 6:00pm PST today… yeah, it might be sleep deprivation, it might be me not picking up the iMovie stuff, but whatever it was, I was as slow as molasses. Ah, well! I’ve got a few ideas for next time to speed things up, and a few thoughts on audio and video quality that I’ll have to experiment with, but in the mean time, it’s just fun to play around and get some new material up online.