Chico, CA 07/24/12

Force du Taylor: our setup for the backyard house concert Kyle Williams and I performed in Chico, CA last night.
I haven’t done too many house concerts in my days as a traveling musician, but when friend and singer/songwriter Kyle Williams offered to put one together in his home town of Chico, CA as part of my little tour, I wholeheartedly endorsed the idea. Kyle found a great home with an incredibly generous host and a terrific yard on nearly the perfect day: sunny, warm (but not too warm), birds a chirpin’, the wind a blowin’, and the guests a listenin’… We had a hoot and I, for one, really enjoyed the casual atmosphere and the opportunity to really get to know everyone there. Oh, yeah… the burgers and dogs from the grill were pretty outstanding, too!
Huge thanks to Kurt and his family for hosting us rowdy musician types and opening their home for this performance event. It was so much fun and I hope we can do it all again the next time I come through Chico! Until then, take good care, friends, and for those of you who missed the show, be sure to take a listen to Kyle Williams online here and pick up a copy of his new album, “She Is”. You’ll love it… Next up, it’s Red Bluff, CA tonight for another fun acoustic show. Check out there details here and meet me there!