Radio Interview & Performance on 92.5 FM The Krush

Tune in locally at 92.5 FM on the Central Coast of California or stream live online at
I made the beautiful drive down from San Francisco, CA to San Luis Obispo, CA yesterday to meet with radio host, Pepper Daniels, of 92.5 FM The Krush to help promote my upcoming performances in the area net week on August 7th, 8th, 9th and 11th (check my Shows Page for details, locations, etc.). Pepper and I have known each other for a few years, now, and it was terrific to catch up after my move to Nashville, TN back in March 2012. We had a couple laughs, traded info’ on what music we’ve been listening to lately (Who knew Pepper was a die hard Phish fan?! Awesome!), and then got down to the nitty gritty with the interview and performance. I performed a couple tunes including “Hole In My Heart”, and two newer songs entitled “Heading South” and “Am I Wrong”. It was a great time and so much fun to hear what’s been going in the local radio scene here along the Central Coast.
The segment we recorded is called “Krush Lounge” and it will air today, Thursday, August 2nd at 6:00pm PST. If you’re local to the Central Coast of California, be sure to tune in to check it out or just stream it online from anywhere in the world by clicking on and hitting the “Listen Live” button at the top left corner of the station home page. Easy, right? Then, be sure to mark your calendars for my area shows next week on the 7th, 8th, 9th and 11th for the real deal.
Big thanks to Pepper and the crew at 92.5 FM The Krush for their continued support, enthusiasm, and encouragement. It’s awesome to have folks like this on my side and I honestly couldn’t be happier or more grateful. Tune in and enjoy! In the mean time, I’ll be driving up to San Francisco, CA to perform in the round tonight with Heather Combs at The Hotel Utah Saloon. If you’re near, come on out… it’s going to be a blast.