Back In Nashville, TN
Man, this was the longest run of shows I’ve booked to date and, let me tell ya, it was a hoot. I had so much fun performing 43 shows over of 46 days from Tennessee to Colorado, Utah, Nevada, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Florida, Georgia and back. Honestly, I can’t wait to get out there and do it all again in a few months!

One of countless road shots from the tour. This one is on the 24 somewhere in Colorado en route to shows in Vail.
There were so many awesome events, performances, views, radio and television appearances, hangs with friends and fans, ski and surf sessions, and more along the way. As crazy as it sounds, being “out there” feels more like home than just about any place I’ve ever actually “lived”. It’s amazing… now that I’m back, I hardly know what to do with myself! But, I’m back in writing mode, looking for an apartment where I can settle down, and getting ready to do some recording with a full band in the near future. There’s lots going on, but I’ve always got one eye searching for the next road gig and one foot itching for the pedal… I know it won’t be long before I’m back out there, so stay tuned here and on Facebook and Twitter for upcoming dates near you. In the mean time, here’s to a terrific spring and (hopefully) and early summer!