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Back home in Tennessee after nearly three months on the road, countless miles, and a few splattered bugs.
After a long haul, I’m finally back in Nashville, TN and settling into the swing of things again. I needed a couple solid nights of rest to get back to baseline, but since this past Monday morning, September 16th, I’ve been writing a bunch with a variety of great folks, seeing and hearing some terrific music, and readjusting to life (and the humidity) in Music City USA while getting prepared to head back into The Bomb Shelter with Andrija Tokic, Greg Thompson, Audley Freed, Robert Kearns, Jimmy Wallace, and Jeff “Shakey” Fowlkes to finish up this new recording project.

Looking forward to getting back into this little room to do some damage next week at The Bomb Shelter.
I had a killer time out there in the western states performing this summer, but I think it’s time to settle in, hunker down, and do some heavy lifting back here in Nashville, TN for a little while. Of course, having said that, after a few writing sessions this coming week and a few days in the studio at The Bomb Shelter, I’ll be flying out to San Francisco, CA to perform a solo acoustic set at Bimbo’s 365 Club on Friday, September 27th for a sold out show, opening for Herbert Grönemeyer on his first, full fledged US tour. It’ll just a be a quick hit, then a return flight back home to finish up recording, then mixing for the new record.

Kicking up my heels in the airport lounge in Albuquerque, New Mexico, waiting for another flight to another city and another show.
I must confess, however, that I feel a little out of sorts sticking around one place for more than a few days. It seems as though I begin to develop a rhythm out there and start to feed on it, frankly. When it’s gone, and I wake up without another stretch of road to pound out, or another date to gear up for, or another venue to load-in, sound check, etc., I almost feel a little lost. Something tells me that, no matter what happens back here in Tennessee, I might very well find myself back on the road before too long. It’s pretty clear, now, that it’s firmly rooted, deep within my bones.
To keep up to speed on details for the new recording, the planned release date, etc., stay tuned here or on Facebook or Twitter for news, previews, and more. See ya soon!