Tacos, Bimbo’s & Studios

Get your mind out of the gutter... I was talking about my show at Bimbo's 365 Club in San Francisco, California with Herbert Grönemeyer!
It’s been a fun couple of weeks kicking off with some studio time to wrap up a new, full band recording here in Nashville, TN peppered with my favorite tacos in the world and an awesomely fun, sold-out show in San Francisco, CA supporting Germany’s Herbert Grönemeyer. After some bouncing around, and a brief break to hang with family for a few days, I’m back in town here in Nashville and warming back up to the co-writing thing. But, still… it’s tough not to remember the tacos out in California from my last trip. I mean, look at these things (see below):

Chino's Taqueria on Balboa & 35th Avenue in San Francisco, CA. Was, and always will be, one of the best.
I used to go to this joint about 4 times a week after surfing Ocean Beach in SF. In fact, I went there so frequently that they gave me a hat. No joke. It’s that good, and I was (still am) that addicted. When I cruised into town for my gig at Bimbo’s 365 Club, I had to make a stop for their tacos and a Mexican Coke. They did not disappoint. I shouldn’t tell you all this for fear of having this place blow up and preventing me from getting my tacos, but if you go to SF, check them out. No website, no nuttin’, but a ton of amazing Mexican food. Chino’s Taqueria on Balboa at 35th Avenue. Do it… and tell ‘em I said hello! PS: It helps if you speak Spanish. PPS: they’re CASH ONLY.

Back at The Bomb Shelter in Nashville, TN with The McCrary Sisters lighting up some background vocals.
2,000 miles away in Nashville, I returned from my west coast trip to record The McCrary Sisters for some background vocals on my latest project. I got a referral from the guitar player (Audley Freed) and keyboard player (Jimmy Wallace) on my sessions and, man… these ladies knocked it out of the park. Very cool. Afterwards, we hit it hard with two straight days of mixing to tape. Pretty stressful making mix decisions without the digital crutch to fall back on, but we ended up with some great sounds, thanks to Andrija Tokic on the board. After some more listening and evaluating, I’ll be moving on to the mastering phase of the project, and then… manufacturing. Can’t wait to share this one with you guys!

(L-R) Greg Thompson and Adrija Tokic in the control room at The Bomb Shelter in Nashville, TN working hard on the mix and making things sound sweet.
So, it’s back to the writing scene, getting back in touch with Tennessee, and planning for more performances to close out the year. Keep your eyes peeled for a release date on the new recording and look me up if you head down to Nashville! See ya soon, friends.