Catching Up

Tracking some bass for a new tune written and recorded with Adam Zelkind on a recent trip to Santa Barbara, CA.
It’s been a crazy month or so with travel, writing, and family time for the Thanksgiving holiday, but I’m back in Nashville and cranking away on a few projects while preparing for a winter performance calendar out in California. Along the way, I had a killer trip out to Santa Barbara, California to write and record with my friend, Adam Zelkind. Adam and I did some writing and tracking in early 2013 and were lucky enough to get one of the songs we wrote and recorded on The CW show, “Hart of Dixie”, in March of this year. We spent nearly a week writing, recording, and brainstorming and finished up a few great songs. We’ll see if we get any placed this time around!
Basically, the entire time I was in Santa Barbara, we operated on a diet of soft boiled eggs and toast followed by chicken from Costco that we destroyed every day around lunch time. It as a little nippy in Santa Barbara, believe it or not, so I got a recipe from my mom and starting kicking up some soup with the leftover carcass and a few veggies. (Mm!) Keep an eye out for canned “Chi’s Chunky Chicken Chowder Chocked with Chicken” at my next merch table at a performance near you.

Waiting my turn in the round on stage at SOhO Restaurant & Music Club in Santa Barbara, CA with some great writers.
We did get outside occasionally, and one night, Adam and I shared the stage at SOhO Restaurant & Music Club in downtown Santa Barbara with Nicolette Hayford (and Adam’s “Z Spots” for backup singers) in the round. It was a ton of fun and a great event hosted by Durango Songwriters Expo, which has provided a tremendous support network for me as I continue to write and perform my material near and far. Be sure to check out their website to learn more if you’re a writer or performer.
When I finally returned to Nashville, TN after my western excursion, I high-tailed it back to my folks’ place for Thanksgiving dinner (pictured above) which set me back about a day or so – unbelievable amounts of food! We had an awesome time together catching up while cooking and enjoying some tremendous (and tremendous quantities of) food along the way. Now, back in town and enduring the colder climes that are typical, I suppose, of early December in these parts, I’m digging back into finishing this full band recording I’ve been wrapping up for some time, and am eager to get it out to you all. I’ll keep you posted as it develops and will be sure to let you know when it’s available for purchase! In the mean time, here’s to a happy holiday season to you and yours. Be merry, be bright, and be good… See you all soon!