My view for the better part of Sunday, March 18th.
After another great gig in Arizona the night before, I woke up around 4:00 AM, showered the sleep out of my eyes, grabbed my gear, and tip toed out of my buddy Josh’s place to drive the hour to Phoenix, AZ and catch a 6:45 AM flight to Oakland, CA to take part in a television performance / taping for MTV at the legendary Freight & Salvage. If I had planned my travel properly, with connections, a cab ride, and all… I’d arrive just in time to load in, say hello, tune up, take a deep breath, and go on stage. The stars aligned, fortunately, and I made it there with a few minutes to spare to run down the street and grab a chai latte. Winning!

Hanging with friend and Executive Director of West Coast Songwriters, Ian Crombie, during the MTV taping yesterday.
While I technically am not allowed to share the name of the show we were taping for, or when it will air, etc., I can tell you that it was a ton of fun. I got to perform a full song on a killer stage with wonderful sound in front of a packed house and a number of industry professionals, all while on camera. It’s always tough to pick just one song to perform, but based on all the traveling and minimal sleep I’d had recently since being on the road, I decided that I was feeling a little bit like the third track from my new, solo acoustic release, “Hole In My Heart“, so that’s what I went with. The lack of sleep, caffeine, nerves, and constant travel added a bit of a quiver to my voice which I just went with and, in the end, seemed to add to the vibe of the song for that particular moment. It was sort of cool… Before and after my performance, I listened to/watched a handful of other performers do their thing, including friends David Luning and Karmina, and then the featured act perform a great, new, original song. Without giving away too much of the gig, this kid really did a terrific job and has a great future… it was fun to watch him play his first industry showcase and neat to learn about his journey from never having performed a note in a “live” performance setting to where he sat yesterday on stage in the spotlight in front of a crowd. Cool story…

My new friends from the band KARMINA performing a tune at Freight & Salvage yesterday.
After the event wrapped up, I did an interview about the event with the camera crew from MTV, then chatted it up with some industry folks, the other performers, my friend, Ian Crombie (Executive Director of West Coast Songwriters) and then split for lunch with my friend, and a terrific songwriter and performer, Kaitlin McGaw. We found some crazy Indian place in Berkeley and I did my level best to eat that place under the table. Sadly, they won… I could only put away two plates worth of food, a chai (of course!), and some weird Indian dessert that was just about the most delicious thing, ever. Before the food coma settled in, Kaitlin drove me back to the Oakland, CA airport so I could log more time at the Southwest Airlines terminal, take a much needed nap, and get ready for my flight back to my truck that would hopefully still be waiting for me at the short term parking lot at the Phoenix, AZ airport.

A brief break to enjoy some sunlight and fresh air on a layover on Southwest Airlines yesterday.
Every time I take a flight and travel with my guitar, I get looks from my fellow travelers… some are curious, while others are sneering (“How is that man going to fit that GUITAR in the overhead bin?! Why doesn’t he just CHECK that thing?!”). Now, Southwest Airlines has always been really terrific in terms of being helpful whenever they can with my guitar sidekick, but yesterday, they even asked me to perform on the plane. Ha… Now, this happened once before on a flight to Colorado mid flight, but yesterday, they had me perform by the cockpit as the plane loaded for the second leg of my trip back to Phoenix, AZ. It was hilarious. I was in an alternate tuning that I use for just a few songs, so I was stuck playing those and gave the unsuspecting passengers a taste of “Hole In My Heart” and “Build Me Up” from my new release, “A Thing Or Three“. Almost everyone took photos, some passengers in front took videos, others just smiled and waved hello. The flight attendant and the pilot/co-pilot were all having a great time and it was an experience that, pretty much, only could have happened on a day like that. Hilarious… Of course, my phone died earlier, so the only documentation I have might be from the passengers last night. So, if you’re reading this and were on my flight, contact me and send me some photos and video, a way to contact you, and I’ll return the favor by sending you a free, autographed copy of my new release!
HUGE thanks to Ian Crombie from West Coast Songwriters, the crew from MTV, Freight & Salvage, my friend Kaitlin McGaw, and the crew at Southwest Airlines for making yesterday an incredible experience from start to finish. It just as easily could have been a nightmare all the way around, and instead, it was a day full of memories that will last a lifetime. THANK YOU and see you all again soon!