After wrapping things up in Long Beach, CA on February 5th, I drove up the coast to my next gig at Live Culture Lounge in Santa Barbara, CA. Along the way, while looking for surf, I got a call from my buddy James who invited me up to hang at his pad to watch the Super Bowl. The surf wasn’t doing anything exciting, so I cruised up and east to his pad where I met up with him, his wife, and kids and enjoyed some hang time and football. Now, I’m not much of a ball fan, but I have to say that it was a pretty good game. I thought for sure that the Steelers were out of it, but they fought back tooth and nail after half time and made for some good competition. Congrats to the Packers for hanging in there and pulling it off! But, seriously… the commercials this year were, eh… what happened? Did all the agencies lose their creative juices? I was not impressed. Oh, well!

A banner near the stage of Live Culture Lounge in Santa Barbara, CA.
When I got to Santa Barbara, folks were having a good time and recounting the plays from the big game. Lots of fun, and a couple of really cool acts were playing that night. When I finally went on, I got to play an extended set and went through almost everything in my song catalog. Lots of fun playing on an 11′ high stage! Love it… Big thanks to friends Darin and Sierra for doing such a great job at supporting independent acts in Santa Barbara. Please go support these guys and their venue if you’re in town. They make great food, offer up a tasty menu, always have some cool live music on stage, and just provide a really cool environment to be in for a while. Check ‘em out and tell ‘em I said “hey”!

Darin from Live Culture introducing me before my set. Booya!
After the show, I cruised over to Darin and Sierra’s spot to hang for a bit before hitting the hay. When I finally crashed, I slept so, so well. I must have been wiped! In any case, when I woke up, I headed out to my favorite spot to grab a breakfast burrito in town (Cantwell’s Market on State Street), mowed that thing down, then did some work over a chai latte. Of course, it was a beautiful, sunny, Santa Barbara morning as it almost always seems to be down there, but no surf was breaking at Rincon this time. I guess once was enough for this tour! So, when I wrapped things up, I packed up the truck again and started the trek back to the Bay Area once again with an  unexpected pit stop along the way…

Just about one of the most beautiful drives anywhere: heading north on 101 from Santa Barbara, CA.
Turns out a cup of chai in Templeton, CA turned into an interview with writer Katz Bryan for her column in Glide Magazine. Katz saw me performing earlier on the tour in San Luis Obispo, CA at Steynberg Gallery and followed up about some press. (Yay!) We started off with tea and coffee, then got shut down by closing time at the coffee house, so we kept chatting and met up over dinner at this cool little Greek/Italian place in downtown Templeton. Great conversation, good laughs, and good food… Katz is a great writer and Glide Magazine is a neat publication, so definitely check it out when you have some time! I’ll be sure to let you all know when the article is published.